Feist (2007)

{st:Feist (2007)}

[C]/   /   [Cmaj7]/   /   [Am]/   /   [F]/   /
[C]/   /   [Cmaj7]/   /   [Am]/   /   [F]/   /

{c:verse 1}
[C]One, two, [Cmaj7]three, four
[Am]Tell me that you [F]love me more
[C]Sleepless [Cmaj7]long nights
[Am]That was what my [F]youth was for
[C]Oh teen-[Dm]age hopes are [Am]lying at your [F]door
[C]Left you with [Dm]nothing but [Am]they want [F]some more

You're [F]changing your heart
You [F]know who you are

{c:verse 2}
[C]Sweetheart [Cmaj7]bitter heart
[Am]Now I can't tell [F]you apart
[C]Cozy [Cmaj7]and cold
[Am]Put the horse be-[F]fore the cart
[C]Those teen-[Dm]age hopes who have [Am]tears in their [F]eyes
[C]Too scared to [Dm]own up to [Am]one little [F]lie

You're [F]changing your heart
You [F]know who you are

{c:verse 3}
[C]One, two, [Cmaj7]three, four,
[Am]Five, six, [F]nine, and ten
[C]Money can't [Cmaj7]buy you
[Am]Back the love that [F]you had then
[C]/   /   [Cmaj7]/   /   [Am]/   /   [F]/   /
[C]/   /   [Cmaj7]/   /   [Am]/   /   [F]/   /

{c:verse 3 again}
[C]One, two, [Cmaj7]three, four,
[Am]Five, six, [F]nine, and ten
[C]Money can't [Cmaj7]buy you
[Am]Back the love that [F]you had then
[C]/   /   [Cmaj7]/   /   [Am]/   /   [F]/   /
[C]/   /   [Cmaj7]/   /   [Am]/   /   [F]/   /

You're [F]changing your heart
You [F]know who you are

You're [F]changing your heart
You [F]know who you are

[C]/   /   [Cmaj7]/   /   [Am]/   /   [F]/   /
[C]/   /   [Cmaj7]/   /   [Am]/   /   [F]/   /   [C]↓

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