Bad Moon Rising

Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969)

{t:Bad Moon Rising }
{st:Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969)}

{c:strum: | d - D u - u d u | 1 2 & (3) & 4 &}

([D]1 2 3 4, [A7]1 2 [G]3 4, [D]1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4)
([D]1 2 3 4, [A7]1 2 [G]3 4, [D]1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4)

{c:verse 1}
[D]I see the [A7]bad [G]moon a-[D]rising
[D]I see [A7]trouble [G]on the [D]way 
[D]I see [A7]earth-[G]quakes and [D]lightning
[D]I see [A7]bad [G]times to-[D]day.

[G]Don't go around tonight
Well it's [D]bound to take your life
[A7]There's a [G]bad moon on the [D]rise.

{c:verse 2}
[D]I hear [A7]hurri-[G]canes [D]blowing
[D]I know the [A7]end is [G]coming [D]soon
[D]I fear [A7]rivers [G]over [D]flowing
[D]I hear the [A7]voice of [G]rage and [D]ruin.

[G]Don't go around tonight
Well it's [D]bound to take your life
[A7]There's a [G]bad moon on the [D]rise.

{c:verse 3}
[D]Hope you [A7]got your [G]things to-[D]gether 
[D]Hope you are [A7]quite pre-[G]pared to [D]die 
[D]Looks like we're [A7]in for [G]nasty [D]weather 
[D]One eye is [A7]taken [G]for an [D]eye.

[G]Don't go around tonight
Well it's [D]bound to take your life
[A7]There's a [G]bad moon on the [D]rise.
[G]Don't go around tonight
Well it's [D]bound to take your life
[A7]There's a [G]bad moon on the [D]rise.

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