
Simon and Garfunkel (1970)

{st:Simon and Garfunkel (1970)}

Ce-[G]cilia you're [C]breaking my [G]heart
You're [C]shaking my [G]confidence [D]daily
Oh, Ce-[C]cili-[G]a I'm [C]down on my [G]knees
I'm [C]begging you [G]please to come [D]home

Ce-[G]cilia you're [C]breaking my [G]heart
You're [C]shaking my [G]confidence [D]daily
Oh, Ce-[C]cili-[G]a I'm [C]down on my [G]knees
I'm [C]begging you [G]please to come [D]home
Come on [G]home

{c:verse 1}
[G]  Making love in the [C]after-[G]noon with Cecilia
[C]Up in [D]my bed-[G]room (making love)
I got up to [C]wash my [G]face
When I come back to bed someone's [D]taken my [G]place

Ce-[G]cilia you're [C]breaking my [G]heart
You're [C]shaking my [G]confidence [D]daily
Oh Ce-[C]cili-[G]a I'm [C]down on my [G]knees
I'm [C]begging you [G]please to come [D]home
Come on [G]home

[G]Bobo-[C]bobo-[G]bo Bobo-[C]bobo-[G]bobo-[D]booh
([C]1  2  [G]3  4,  [C]1  2  [G]3  4,  [C]1  2  [G]3  4,  [D]1) (pick it up, pick it up)
([C]1  2  [G]3  4,  [C]1  2  [G]3  4,  [C]1  2  [G]3  4,  [D]1) (pick it up, pick it up)

{c:verse 2}
Jubi-[C]la-[G]tion she [C]loves me a-[G]gain
I [C]fall on the [G]floor and I [D]laughing
Jubi-[C]la-[G]tion she [C]loves me a-[G]gain
I [C]fall on the [G]floor and I [D]laughing

{c:outro (repeat as necessary)}
Woo-[C]oh-[G]ho wo-[C]o-[G]how o-[C]o-[G]ho woo-[D]ooh
Woo-[C]oh-[G]ho wo-[C]o-[G]how o-[C]o-[G]ho woo-[D]ooh

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