Joy to the World

{t:Joy to the World}
{c:verse 1}
[C]Joy to the world! The Lord [G7]is [C]come;
Let [F]earth re-[G7]ceive her [C]King;
Let ev-[F]’ry [C]heart prepare [F]Him [C]room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And [G7]heaven and nature sing,
And [C]heaven and heaven and na-[G7]ture [C]sing.

{c:verse 2}
[C]Joy to the world! the Sav-[G7]iour [C]reigns;
Let [F]men their [G7]songs em-[C]ploy;
While fields [F]and [C]floods, rocks, hills [F]and [C]plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Re-[G7]peat the sounding joy,
Re-[C]peat, repeat the sound-[G7]ing [C]joy.

{c:verse 3}
[C]No more let sins and sor-[G7]rows [C]grow,
Nor [F]thorns in-[G7]fest the [C]ground;
He comes [F]to [C]make His bles-[F]sings [C]flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far [G7]as the curse is found,
Far [C]as, far as, the curse [G7]is [C]found.

{c:verse 4}
[C]He rules the world with truth [G7]and [C]grace,
And [F]makes the [G7]nations [C]prove
The glo-[F]ries [C]of His righ-[F]teous-[C]ness,
And wonders of His love,
And [G7]wonders of His love,
And [C]wonders, wonders, of [G7]His [C]love.

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