O Canada

Calixa Lavallée & Adolphe-Basile Routhier (1880), Robert Stanley Weir (1908)

{t:O Canada}
{st:Calixa Lavallée & Adolphe-Basile Routhier (1880), Robert Stanley Weir (1908)}
{define: D5 frets 2 2 0 0 fingers 1 2 0 0}

[C]O [G]Cana-[Am]da
[G]Our [C]home [Dm]and [G]na-[D5]tive [G]land
[C]True [D]patriot [G]love
[D5]In [G]all thy [D5]sons com-[G]mand

[G]With [Dm]glowing [G]hearts
We [C]see thee [Am]rise
The [D5]true [G]North [Dm]strong [C]and [G]free
From [Dm]far and [G]wide, 
O [C]Cana-[Am]da
We [G]stand on [D]guard for [G]thee

[C]God [G]keep our [Am]land
[Dm]Glori-[D5]ous and [G]free

[C]O [E]Cana-[F]da, 
[C]we stand [G]on [Am]guard [G]for [C]thee
[C]O [F]Cana-[Am]da, 
[F]we [C]stand [Dm]on [C]guard [G]for [C]thee

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