On the Road Again

Willie Nelson (1980)

{t:On the Road Again}
{artist:Willie Nelson (1980)}
{c:capo 4}
{c:verse 1}
On the [C]road again.
Just can't wait to get on the [E7]road again.
The life I love is making [Dm]music with my friends,
And [F]I can't wait to get [G7]on the road a-[C]gain.

{c:verse 2}
On the [C]road again.
Goin' places that I've [E7]never been.
Seeing things that I may [Dm]never see again,
And [F]I can't wait to get [G7]on the road a-[C]gain.

[C7]On the [F]road again,
Like a band of gypsies we go down the [C]highway.
We're the [F]best of friends,
Insisting that the world keeps turning [C]our way,
And [G7]our way ...

{c:verse 3}
Is on the [C]road again.
Just can't wait to get on the [E7]road again.
The life I love is making [Dm]music with my friends,
And [F]I can't wait to get [G7]on the road a-[C]gain.

And [F]I can't wait to get [G7]on the road a-[C]gain. 
[F]↓   [G7]↓   [C]↓

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