A Hard Day's Night

The Beatles (1964)

{t:A Hard Day's Night}

{st:The Beatles (1964)}


{c:verse 1}
It's been a [G]hard [C]day's [G]night

And I’ve been [F]working like a [G]dog

It’s been a [G]hard [C]day's [G]night,

I should be [F]sleeping like a [G]log

But when I [C]get home to you

I find the [D7]things that you do

Will make me [G]feel [C7]al-[G]right

{c:verse 2}
You know I [G]work [C]all [G]day

To get you [F]money to buy you [G]things
And it’s [G]worth it just to [C]hear you [G]say

You’re gonna [F]give me every-[G]thing
So why on [C]earth should I moan,

'Cause when I [D7]get you alone

You know I [G]feel [C7]o-[G]kay


When I’m [Bm]home

[Em]Everything seems to be [Bm]right

When I’m [G]home,

[Em]Feeling you holding me [C]tight, [D7]tight, yeah

{c:verse 3}
It’s been a [G]hard [C]day’s [G]night,
And I’ve been [F]working like a [G]dog
It’s been a [G]hard [C]day’s [G]night,

I should be [F]sleeping like a [G]log

But when I [C]get home to you
I find the [D7]things that you do
Will make me [G]feel [C7]al-[G]right
You know I [G]feel [C7]al-[G]right

You know I [G]↓feel [C7]↓al-[G]↓right

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