

{c:|[Gm] [Gm] [Gsus4] [Gsus4] [Gm]  [Gm] [G6sus2] [G6sus2]}

{c:|[Gm] [Gm] [Gsus4] [Gsus4] [Gm]  [Gm] [G6sus2] [G6sus2]}

{c:|[Gm]  [Gm]  [Gm]  [Gm]}

[Gm] Take me back to my boat on the river
I [F] need to go down, I [D7] need to calm down
[Gm] Take me back to my boat on the river
And [F] I won't cry out any-[Gm]more [Gm]

[Gm] Time stands still as I gaze in her waters
She [F] eases me down, [D7] touching me gently
With the [Gm] waters that flow past my boat on the river
So [F] I won't cry out any-[Gm]more [Gm]

Oh the [F] river is wide
The [D7] river it touches my [Gm] life like the waves on the [C] sand [C]
And [Cm] all roads lead to tran-[Gm]quility base
Where the [A] frown on my face disap-[D7]pears [D7]
{c:.                                                                   stop - tap}

[Gm] Take me down to my boat on the river
And [F] I won't cry [D7] out any-[Gm]more [Gm]

[Gm]    [Gm]   [Gm]   [Gm]
[F]   [F]   [D7]   [D7]
[Gm]    [Gm]   [Gm]   [Gm]
[F]   [D7]   [Gm]   [Gm]

Oh the [F] river is deep
The [D7] river it touches my [Gm] life like the waves on the [C] sand [C]
And [Cm] all roads lead to tran-[Gm]quility base
Where the [A] frown on my face disap-[D7]pears [D7]
{c:.                                                                   stop - tap}

[Gm] Take me down to my boat on the river
I [F] need to go down, won't you [D7] let me go down
[Gm] Take me back to my boat on the river
And [F] I won't cry out any-[Gm]more
And [F] I won't cry out any-[Gm]more
And [D7] I won't cry out any-[Gm]more

[Gm]    [Gm]  [Gm]   [D7]   [Gm]


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