
Sam Cooke (1961), Amy Winehouse (2006)

{st:Sam Cooke (1961), Amy Winehouse (2006)}
{c: Original |: d - D u - u D u :| (Swiss Army Strum, 1 2 & (3) & 4 &)}
{c: Amy Winehouse|: - d - d - d - d - :| (Ska, (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) &)}

{c:intro: [G6] [Em] [G6] [Em]}

[G]Cupid, [Em]draw back your bow
[G]And let [C]your arrow go
[G]Straight to my [D7]lover's heart for [G]me, for [D7]me.
[G]Cupid, [Em]please hear my cry
[G]And let [C]your arrow fly
[G]Straight to my [D7]lover's heart for [C]me. [G]

{c:verse 1}
Now, [G]I don't mean to be bother to you,
But [D7]I'm in distress
There's [D7]danger of me losing all of [G]my happiness
For I love a girl who doesn't [C]know I exist
[D7]And this you can [G]fix, so...

[G]Cupid, [Em]draw back your bow
[G]And let [C]your arrow go
[G]Straight to my [D7]lover's heart for [G]me, no-[D7]body but me
[G]Cupid, [Em]please hear my cry
[G]And let [C]your arrow fly
[G]Straight to my [D7]lover's heart for [C]me. [G]

{c:verse 2}
Now, [G]Cupid if your arrow make her [D7]love strong for me
I [D7]promise I will love her until [G]eternity
I [G]know between the two of us her [C]heart we can steal
[D7]Help me if you [G]will, so...

[G]Cupid, [Em]draw back your bow
[G]And let [C]your arrow go
[G]Straight to my [D7]lover's heart for [G]me, no-[D7]body but me
[G]Cupid, [Em]please hear my cry
[G]And let [C]your arrow fly
[G]Straight to my [D7]lover's heart for [C]me. [G]

Now, [G6]Cupid, don't you [Em]hear me, [G6]calling you?
I [Em]need you, [G6]Cupid [G]↓

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