Don't Get Around Much, Anymore

Duke Ellington (1940), Tony Bennett & Michael Bublé (2011)

{t:Don't Get Around Much, Anymore}
{st:Duke Ellington (1940), Tony Bennett & Michael Bublé (2011)}
{define: C#m7b5 frets 0 1 0 2 fingers 0 1 0 3}
{define: D7 frets 2 2 2 3 fingers 1 1 1 2}

{c:verse 1}
Missed the Saturday [G]dance
Heard they crowded the [E7]floor
Couldn't bear it with-[A7]out you
[D7]Don't get around much any-[G]more

{c:verse 2}
[D7]Thought I'd visit the [G]club
Got as far as the [E7]door
They'd have asked me a-[A7]bout you
[D7]Don't get around much any-[G]more [G7]

[C]Darling I [Cm]guess my [Gmaj7]mind's more at [G7]ease
But [C]neverthe-[C#m7b5]less,   [Bm7]why stir up memo-[D7]ries

{c:verse 3}
Been invited on [G]dates
Might have gone but what [E7]for
Awfully different with-[A7]out you
[D7]Don't get around much any-[G]more [Cm]   [G] 

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