A Holly Jolly Christmas

Burl Ives (1964)

{t:A Holly Jolly Christmas}
{st:Burl Ives (1964)}

{c:verse 1}
Have a [C]holly, jolly Christmas,
it's the best time [C#dim]of the    [G7]year,
[G7]I don't know if there'll be snow,
but have a cup of [C]cheer.

{c:verse 2}
Have a [C]holly, jolly Christmas,
and when you walk [C#dim]down the [G7]street,
[G7]Say hello to friends you know
and everyone you [C]meet.

[F]Hey, ho, the [Em]mistletoe,
[G7]hung where you can [C]see,
[Dm]Somebody's [Am]waits for you,
[D7]Kiss her once for [G7]me.

{c:verse 3}
Have a [C]holly, jolly Christmas
and in case you [C#dim]didn't [G7]hear,
Oh, by golly, have a [C]holly, jolly 
[D7]Christmas [G7]this [C]year.

[F]Hey, ho, the [Em]mistletoe,
[G7]hung where you can [C]see,
[Dm]Somebody's [Am]waits for you,
[D7]Kiss her once for [G7]me.

{c:verse 3}
Have a [C]holly, jolly Christmas
and in case you [C#dim]didn't [G7]hear,
Oh, by golly, have a [C]holly, jolly 
[D7]Christmas [G7]this [C]year.

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