I’ve Just Seen a Face

The Beatles (1965)

{t:I’ve Just Seen a Face}
{artist:The Beatles (1965)}
{c:strum: | d - D - d - D - | (1 2 3 4)}
{c:verse 1}
[C]I've just seen a face, I can't forget the time or place where we just [Am]met.
She's just the girl for me, and I want all the world to see we've [F]met. Na na [G]na na na-[C]na.
{c:verse 2}
[C]Had it been another day, I might have looked the other way,
And [Am]I'd have never been aware but as it is I'll dream of her  to-[F]night. Da da [G]da da da-[C]da.
[G]Falling, yes I am [F]falling, and she keeps [C]calling [F]me back a-[C]gain.
{c:verse 3}
[C]I have never known the likes of this I've been alone and I have [Am]missed
things and kept out of sight, for other girls were never quite like [F]this. Da da [G]da da da-[C]da.
[G]Falling, yes I am [F]falling, and she keeps [C]calling [F]me back a-[C]gain.
{c:verse 4}
[C]I've just seen a face, I can't forget the time or place where we just [Am]met.
She's just the girl for me, and I want all the world to see we've [F]met. Na na [G]na na na [C]na.
[G]Falling, yes I am [F]falling, and she keeps [C]calling [F]me back a-[C]gain.
[G]Falling, yes I am [F]falling, and she keeps [C]calling [F]me back a-[C]gain. [F] [C]

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