Memory of an Old Christmas Card

Vaughn Horton

{t:Memory of an Old Christmas Card}
{st:Vaughn Horton}

[G]It’s the [D7]memory of an old Christmas [G]card

There's an [G]Old Christmas Card in an [C]old dusty [G]trunk
And it [D7]brings back sweet mem'ries dear to [G]me
'Tho it's faded and worn, it's as [C]precious as the [G]morn
When I f[D7]ound it 'neath our first Christmas [G]tree

I [D7]thrill with every word, every [G]line
Guess I'm [A7]always sentimental 'round this [D7]time
Pardon [G]me if a tear falls am[C]ong my Christmas [G]cheer
It's the [D7]mem'ry of an Old Christmas [G]Card

{c:Recitation ...}
You know, I don't know why I get to feeling sentimental
about this time, every year
But every time I see a Christmas card,
I somehow can't help reminiscing ...

About the very first Christmas that you and I spent together
What a beautiful Christmas card you gave me that year
Why I know you must have looked through thousands of cards
To find that wonderful poem that still brings a tear to my eyes

I [D7]thrill with every word, every [G]line
Guess I'm [A7]always sentimental 'round this [D7]time
Pardon [G]me if a tear falls am[C]ong my Christmas [G]cheer
It's the [D7]mem'ry of an Old Christmas [G]Card

{t:Memory of an Old Christmas Card}

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