Pearly Shells

{t:Pearly Shells}

{c:verse 1}
Pearly [G]shells from the ocean
Shining in the [C]sun
Covering the [A7]shore [D7]
When I [G]see them
My heart [C]tells me that I love you
More than [G]all the [D7]little pearly [G]shells

For ev'ry [D7]grain of sand upon the beach
[G]I've got a kiss for you
And I've got [D7]more left over for each star 
That [A7]twinkles in the [D7]blue

{c:verse 2}
Pearly [G]shells from the ocean
Shining in the [C]sun
Covering the [A7]shore [D7]
When I [G]see them
My heart [C]tells me that I love you
More than [G]all the [D7]little pearly [G]shells
More than [G]all the [D7]little pearly [G]shells

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