River Road

Sylvia Tyson, Crystal Gayle (1977)

{t:River Road}
{st:Sylvia Tyson, Crystal Gayle (1977)}

Here I [D]go once again with my suitcase [D7]in my [G]hand
And I'm [D]running a-[A]way down River [D]Ro - [A]ad
And I [D]swear once again that I'm never [D7]coming [G]home
I'm [D]chasing my [A]dreams down River [D]Road

{c:verse 1}
Mama [A]said, "[D]Listen [A]child
You're too [A]old [D]to run [A]wild
You're too [D]big to be [A]fishing with the [E7]boys these days."
So I [A]grabbed some [D]clothes and [A]ran
Stole five [A]dollars from a [D]sugar [A]can
A [D]twelve-year-old [A]jail breaker [G]running a-[A]way 

[A7]Here I [D]go once again with my suitcase [D7]in my [G]hand
And I'm [D]running a-[A]way down River [D]Ro - [A]ad
And I [D]swear once again that I'm never [D7]coming [G]home
I'm [D]chasing my [A]dreams down River [D]Road

{c:verse 2}
Well I [A]married a [D]pretty good [A]man
And he [A]tries to [D]under-[A]stand
But he [D]knows I've got [A]leavin' on my [E7]mind these days
When I [A]get that [D]urge to [A]run
I'm just [A]like a [D]kid ag[A]ain
The [D]same old [A]jail breaker [G]runnin' a-[A]way         

[A7]Here I [D]go once again with my suitcase [D7]in my [G]hand
And I'm [D]running a-[A]way down River [D]Ro - [A]ad
And I [D]swear once again that I'm never [D7]coming [G]home
I'm [D]chasing my [A]dreams down River [D]Road  [G]   [D]

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