Turn! Turn! Turn!

The Byrds (1965)

{t:Turn! Turn! Turn!}
{st:The Byrds (1965)}

To every-[D]thing, ([G]turn, [F#m]turn, [A]turn)
there is a [D]season, ([G]turn, [F#m]turn, [A]turn)
and a [G]time [F#m]to every [Em]purpose, [A]under [D]heaven

{c:verse 1}
A time to be [A]born, a time to [D]die
A time to [A]plant, a time to [D]reap
A time to [A]kill, a time to [D]heal
A time to [G]lau[F#m]gh, a [A]time to [D]weep ↓

To every-[D]thing, ([G]turn, [F#m]turn, [A]turn)
there is a [D]season, ([G]turn, [F#m]turn, [A]turn)
and a [G]time [F#m]to every [Em]purpose, [A]under [D]heaven

{c:verse 2}
A time to build [A]up, a time to break [D]down
A time to [A]dance, a time to [D]mourn
A time to [A]cast away [D]stones, 
a [G]time to [F#m]gather [Em]ston[A]es to-[D]gether ↓

To every-[D]thing, ([G]turn, [F#m]turn, [A]turn)
there is a [D]season, ([G]turn, [F#m]turn, [A]turn)
and a [G]time [F#m]to every [Em]purpose, [A]under [D]heaven

{c:verse 3}
A time of [A]love, a time of [D]hate
A time of [A]war, a time of [D]peace
A time [A]you may em-[D]brace, 
a [G]time to [F#m]refrain [Em]fro[A]m em-[D]bracing ↓

{c:instrumental chorus and verse}

To every-[D]thing, ([G]turn, [F#m]turn, [A]turn)
there is a [D]season, ([G]turn, [F#m]turn, [A]turn)
and a [G]time [F#m]to every [Em]purpose, [A]under [D]heaven

{c:verse 4}
A time to [A]gain, a time to [D]lose
A time to [A]rend, a time to [D]sew
A time for [A]love, a time to [D]hate
A time for [G]pea[F#m]ce, I [Em]swear it's [A]not too [D]late ↓

[D] [G] [D] [G]  [F#m]
[D] [G] [D] [G]  [F#m]
[D] [G] [D] [G]  [F#m] [D]↓

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