Author: Dave C (Page 1 of 12)

July 1 – BUG’s Ukuleles Across Canada Jam

Wednesday, July 1
11:30 AM – Meet and greet and check-in
Noon – Singing starts
Zoom link
– ID: 848 168 915 – Password: uke15

We still aren’t able to meet in person, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get together virtually. Our friends at the Bytown Ukulele Group in Ottawa are hosting a Canada-wide Canada Day party on Zoom and we’re invited!

Ukulele club leaders from every province are each going to lead a song and I’ve been asked to represent Saskatchewan and the Queen City Ukes!

The event will take place on Zoom and there should be some free spots for members of other clubs. All the details and the list of songs are on their Facebook page and website.

Thank you, Sue and Mark, for pulling this all together!

March 3: Digging into the archive

Next circle: Tuesday, March 3
7 to 9 PM
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue

Did you know we have 233 songs in our songbook! That’s a lot of great tunes! (And maybe a few not-so-great ones.)

Rather than add any new songs this month, lets revisit some of the forgotten gems in our archive.

For those too shy to shout out songs at the circle, send me your favourites and I’ll add them to the list.

And don’t forget, April is our 6th birthday and the annual open mic! Everyone is welcome to try their hand in front of the group.

Card catalogue photo by Pete Birkinshaw.

February’s circle: We are family

Next circle: Tuesday, February 4
7 to 9 PM
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue

Valentine’s Day gets all the love (appropriately, perhaps), but February also brings us Family Day. Send in your favourite songs about family or from famous musical families.

There were lots of great suggestions at the last circle, but please send an email or leave a note in the Facebook group so they don’t get missed.

January’s music: Gotta travel on

Next circle: Tuesday, January 7
7 to 9 PM
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue

Happy New Year!

Whether you’re a homebody or whether you’ve got the travel bug, it’s time to pack a suitcase and hit the road. All our new songs are about travelling.

Here are a few other travel songs from our collection:

January’s circle: Gotta travel on

Next circle: Tuesday, January 7
7 to 9 PM
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue

When the weather gets cold, many people like to travel somewhere a little bit warmer. For those of us left behind, let’s sing a few travelling songs.

Send me your favourite travelling songs and we’ll add them to the ones that are already in the song book:

December’s music: Cold as ice

Next circle: Tuesday, December 3
7 to 9 PM
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue

I’ve lined up four frigid songs for the next circle. Thank you, Barbara, Grace and Lana, for the suggestions.

After the circle, everyone is invited to warm up with a hot apple cider or a plate of their award-winning fries at the Bushwakker.

December’s circle: Cold as ice

Next circle: Tuesday, December 3
7 to 9 PM
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue

It’s cold, but it’s a dry cold. We can’t fight it, so we may as well embrace the sub-zero temperatures.

Freeze-Frame, Cold as Ice, Colder Than You … what other icy cold songs are out there?

And, because Christmas is around the corner, we’ll dive into our holiday favourites after the break.

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