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Tuesday Night Ukes, March 3

The Queen City Ukes next circle is 7pm Tuesday, March 3, at Sawchyn Guitars (2132 Dewdney Avenue).

We’re going to finish off the music from November’s “Ukulele Right Hand” workshop.

The single file with all of March’s music will be ready soon, but in the mean time, here are the links to the individual songs.

If there’s time, I also want to touch on James Hill’s “Chord Twins” workshop from earlier this month:

  • Sway
  • St. James’ Infirmary

For those who ordered the Daily Ukulele, the books are in! Don’t forget to bring $35.

Ukulele circle at Long & McQuade, March 26

Long & McQuade is holding their own ukulele circle on Thursday, March 26 at 7pm. (This is completely separate from our Tuesday Night Ukes circle.)

It’s aimed at beginners, so regulars will probably find it a bit slow, but it could be a way to help a friend who is new to the ukulele.

Ukulele Circle with Brad Papp

Have you ever wanted to learn to play the ukulele? Now’s your chance! Join Brad for our Ukulele Circle. This is an all ages event, and no experience is required. If you don’t own a ukulele, we can provide one for you.

Brad is a local guitarist. He has played with bands across the country and enjoys all instruments that have strings on them! Brad works at Long & McQuade Regina in the rental department and specializes in guitars.

Advance registration and inquiries can be sent to Calvin at

Location: Long & McQuade (1445 McIntyre St, 306-569-8501)

Fee: free

Workshop with James Hill

This is very last minute, but we’ve been given the opportunity to have a workshop this coming Monday (yes, in less than three days!) with ukulele extraordinaire, James Hill.

You may have seen his website, The Ukulele Way ( His technique adds melody on top of the rhythm and chords that we’re used to. Melody is one of my weakest areas, so having someone like James available to teach us is a gift.

The price is tentatively set at $30 and the start time will be around 7 pm. The workshop will be held at a private residence in Regina.

Space will be limited to around 20 participants so please, let me know as soon as possible if this interests you! Send me an email and I will reply back with all the details once they are confirmed.

February’s ukulele circle, Feb. 3

Old valentine card with a little boy with a ukuleleTuesday, February 3
7 PM
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue

We’re going to continue the introduction to strumming patterns.

All the music in one file: (GCEA) (DGBE)

Songs include:

That’s a lot, so if we don’t get through them all, we’ll finish them off in March. Joel also taught some finger-picking techniques. We’ll look at those in March, too.

New interactive songbook

I’m still working out some kinks and cleaning up the music, but the interactive music library is now live on the website.

The editor allows you to switch tuning from soprano to baritone and also switch keys. That’s helpful in case you find a song that was written for guitar.

A huge thanks to Buz over at Uke Geeks for creating this awesome tool! It’s certainly beyond anything I could ever do.

My boundless gratitude, also, to Joel Jacques and the Bytown Ukulele Group (BUG) for providing me with all their music to get this library off the ground!

I still need to move all our existing music into the library so the main music page will still be around for a little while. The new version will eventually replace that one.

I would like to alter the software so it doesn’t ignore the blank lines lines between verses. If you pick any song at random, all the verses will likely run into each other. I’ve added spaces to the songs we’re playing at the next circle, but want this to be automatic.

I also want to turn on uploads so people can submit their own music to the group.

Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions. If you find any chords with funny numbering, let me know that, too. I’ve already fixed the broken A Major chord that we found at the last circle – you no longer have to cross your fingers to make the numbers match.

Oh, one last thing. Some songs are listed twice. That’s because BUG has a “slow jam” version that may be a bit simpler to play or include extra comments or tips. Part of my clean up is to make it more obvious which version is which.

Happy strumming!

Happy new year! The next ukulele circle is January 6

Happy new year, everyone! It’s time to work off all that turkey with another ukulele circle.

Tuesday, January 6
7 PM
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue

It’s almost 2015 and that means it’s time to work on those ukulele resolutions!

We’ve started to build up a pretty good collection of chords over this first year. For 2015, my resolution is to concentrate more on what my right hand is doing. For the next few circles, I’m going to work through the strumming patterns that Joel introduced us to at the his “Ukulele Right Hand” workshop in November.

We’ll spend an hour or so introducing some patterns and try them out on some new songs. The songs have been added below and on the music page.

See you in the new year!

Music for the January 6 circle

[Update] All in one file: (GCEA) (DGBE)

Ukulele specials at Sawchyn

Sawchyn Guitars is having weekly specials leading up to Christmas. Week two is all about ukuleles!

December 8-13: Everything Ukulele

Buy a Uke from our wall and save 10% and save 20% on ukulele accessories like straps, tuners, capos, and the famous Aquila Red Series Strings!

They have lots of great gift ideas for the ukulele lover in your life.

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