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Music for March

No theme this month, just five requests.

Tuesday, March 1
7 PM
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue, Regina


Here’s all the new music in a single PDF for those printing or loading on to a tablet.

Next month is our second anniversary! We won’t have any new music, but anyone brave enough to make their way to the front of the room is invited to play for the group. After that, we can all shout out songs and then perhaps some socializing across the road.


Next ukulele circle, March 1

Thanks for a great night on Tuesday. We had 35 people, including a few new faces. Welcome!

Tuesday, March 1
7 pm
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue, Regina

I don’t have a theme, this month, but we’ve got lots of new requests. If you have a song you’d like to play, send them my way.

Don’t forget, April 5 is the group’s our second anniversary. There is an open invitation to perform for the rest of the group. If you’re nervous, why not find a friend and form a group? There’s safety in numbers!

Happy strumming!

Music for February

Tuesday, February 2
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue, Regina

No theme this month, but I’m working my way through song requests. If you have a song (or theme) you’d like to play, send it my way.


A great start to the year!

Next circle: Tuesday, February 2
7 p.m.
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue

Thank you, everyone, for coming out on Tuesday. It was great to see so many new faces. We packed the store with 41 people!

A huge thank you to Nathan for playing Cat Stevens’ Moon Shadow. I’ll add the music to the site soon.

Speaking of solos, for our second anniversary this April, we’ll open the floor to anyone who wants to share something they’ve been working on. You’ve got three months to practise!

Need a few lessons before you’re ready to stand in front of the group? Want to take it up to the next level? Don Cowie is leading a series of five ukulele lessons for adults.

  • Dates: Wednesdays from February 10 through March 9
  • Time: 7:30–9 p.m.
  • Price: $50 for all five classes
  • Registration: Sign up at Sawchyn Guitars  or phone 306-522-6348

Music for the next circle will be posted soon. See you in a month!

Music for January: Elvis lives!

Next circle: Tuesday, January 5
Sawchyn Guitars (2132 Dewdney Avenue)

Hello all! I hope everyone has been able to spend time with friends and family this holiday season. Was Santa good to those who still believe? Any new strings, tuners or ukuleles under the tree?


Todd reminded me that January 8 is Elvis Presley’s birthday, so this month we’ll add a few more songs from the King to our repertoire.


There was a problem with Burning Love in the PDFs. If’ you’ve already printed them out, here’s the correct version.

The song books below have been fixed.

Ukuleles seem to be a popular Christmas present so we may have a few more people than usual. There may also be a few new members from Gary’s and Don’s ukulele classes and our appearance on CBC could also give us a bump. In order to get an idea of how many chairs to put out, please let me know either by email, a comment on this article on the website or add yourself to the Facebook event. There’s no need to reply in multiple places, though, as I don’t want to accidentally count you twice.

Happy New Year and I’ll see you on Tuesday!

A couple of extra songs for New Year’s Eve

At the last circle we played all Christmas songs, but here are two bonus songs just for New Year’s Eve. You can’t ring in the new year without Robbie Burn’s ode to friends near and far, Auld Lang Syne. The other is a bit more challenging than most of our repertoire, but it’s seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to a celebrity YouTube post a few years ago.

These aren’t for the next circle; I just thought a few of you might like the challenge.

Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt released the video above four years ago and it quickly became one of the most requested songs on all the ukulele sites. Ukulele Hunt did the best job with identifying the chords.

One warning for those playing along: the video is flipped horizontally. That’s why all the chords are backwards!

Want to be on the radio?

CBC Saskatchewan has asked us to help out with their Comfort and Joy campaign!

Friday, December 11
8–8:30 AM
CBC Galleria (2440 Broad Street)

On Friday, December 11, the Morning Edition will be broadcast from the CBC Galleria and will be open to the public. The show traditionally ends with the crew singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, but this year they are inviting ukulele players to help them out.

If you’re interested, be there by 8 AM. We’ll perform at 8:25. The version of the song they are using is the same as ours.

Money raised during the campaign goes to Saskatchewan food banks, so those participating may want to bring a few dollars to drop in the basket. Donors will be entered into a draw for a prize package.

The musical guest is Eli Barsi and she will be leading the sing-along. The show starts at 6am, so you are welcome to arrive early and watch the radio magic!

If you can’t make it, be sure to listen in on 540 AM or 102.5 FM.

See you at the next circle on January 5 or at Margaret and Don’s Ukulele Sing-along on December 15.

Music for December

Tuesday, December 1
7 PM
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue

We have two new songs for December plus a handful of Christmas songs.

At the last circle I said I had prepared John Lennon’s anti-war anthem, Imagine. With the horrific events in Paris and elsewhere, it seems more appropriate than ever.


I’ve also added all our previous holiday songs to our song book to make them easier to find.


Tuesday Night Ukes: December 1, 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
7–9 P.M.
Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Avenue, Regina

It’s the last circle of the calendar year, so let’s break out some winter songs. We’ve already got a few Christmas tunes in the song book, but if you have any other favourites, please send them my way.

For anyone who wants to extend the evening, you are all invited to head across the road to Bushwakkers after the circle for a bit of (early) holiday cheer.

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